Tuesday, January 6, 2015

9 months

Weight: 18.7 (55%) Height: 27 Inches (42%)

---You are such a good eater! You eat anything and are not picky at all.

--- You are in mostly 9 month clothes and some 6 month still. And once in awhile I put you in your 12 month pajamas cause they are warm and fuzzy and not thin like your 9 month ones.

---You now so mama, but only when you wake up from a nap and whine and say mama. And you say DAD now. That's all you do is say "Dad, dad?!" as soon as your daddy leaves the room.

--- You started crawling! Its just an army crawl and you have got it down so fast. There is no stopping you now.

---Since you started crawling you will get anything and everything in sight. We will have to baby proof our apartment when we move in the first week of december.

--- You love to watch RIO. You love anything with music, but when I put rio on,  you stop everything you are doing and just stare at the tv for the first 30 minutes. So anytime I need a little nap, or to get some laundry or cleaning done, then I put in Rio and you are in heaven.

---You had 2 shots this time. I got you the flu shot and your other hep B shot. You have always done awesome with shots, but this time we got home and you took a nap and when you woke up you had a bottle and threw the whole bottle up! and then you were exhausted so I put you down for another nap and you woke up after being down for 20 minutes (which isn't like you at all)

Braelin, you are such a happy baby! I love it! We are so lucky with you. You are always good, you eat anything, and you sleep amazing. Again, we are SO lucky. You have grown and learned so much this past month. The world is yours,

Love momma. 

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