Tuesday, January 6, 2015

10 months

--- You really crawl everywhere. It is really hard to keep track of you.

--- We moved this month to Pleasant Grove, and you love having our own place to explore.

---You love playing with electrical outlets, so started babyproofing :)

---You follow mommy everywhere! And I love it... even when Im in the tub and daddy is suppose to be watching you but you crawl into the bathroom to find me.

---I recently got a new job where I work the same amount of hours as I did my previous job but it is only 3 days instead of 4! I am loving all my extra "Braelin Time" and you love it too and have become attached to me.

---We are just finishing up all your baby food and then nothing but real food for you! We give you some real food with every meal and so far you are not picky at all.

---You are still in size 3 diapers and 9 month clothes.

---You still usually sleep anywhere from 12-14 hours a night plus a couple long naps in the day.

---You are so smart and we love watching you learn so many new things!

Braelin, You are getting such a fun little personality. You are very serious this month, or shy. Which we love. You do so many fun things and when we try and show people you just stare at us. We love you more than anything and love spending so much more time with you and helping you learn an grow everyday. You are our everything baby love. The world is yours.

LOVE momma.

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