Monday, January 19, 2015

11 months!!

Braelin Nicole! I know I say this EVERY month, but I can't believe that you are 11 months old. You have turned into quite the sassy little girl, and it is the cutest thing ever! It's hard to think that in just one month you will turn ONE. I can't let myself think about it or I just might shed a tear or two. You have learned so much this month and are getting so big!

---You are officially all done with baby food.

---You are very particular about how you like your food. We can't cut anything up into pieces or you get mad. Because obviously our food isn't like that, so yours can't be either. But we don't have to worry, because you just take bites and never choke. :)

---You weren't too fond of real pears at first. You ate one or two and then just started pulling them out of your mouth because you don't like the texture. 

---You are still in size 3 diapers, and probably will be for awhile.

---If you even hear the bath water running or see the bathroom door open, you go straight to the tub and then get mad if we don't put you in. So at least once a week you will have a blow out and right before I try and change you, you crawl straight to the bathroom. Its funny that you do it on purpose just so you can get some tubby time.

--- You turned into quite the mamas girl this last month when I had 2 weeks off of work and got to spend every second with you! And its my favorite that you whine as soon as I leave the room.

---You learned how to wave hi and bye and its the cutest thing ever.

--- You shake your hand, "No", when we sing No more monkeys jumping on the bed.

---You love to dance when music is on.

---You started to pull yourself up on to everything, but  only on  your knees. You were always too scared of going on your feet and would start whining, but just a few days ago you decided it isn't so scary. So now you can get EVERYTHING in sight.

---I have been putting your hair in a little ponytail and it is so cute!! But it makes me sad because it makes you look like you are two.

Sweet baby girl, we can't wait to spend this next month with you and see how much more you learn and grow before you are one! Now its time to shop for your party and get you some presents. :) the world is yours baby love.

Love momma.

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