Thursday, October 16, 2014

8 months

Baby love, you are 8 months old! You are our whole world. You brighten everyday. When ever I have a really bad day at work and just want to come home and feel like crying, it is impossible with you because you are so happy about everything and you make everything so much better.

--- You laugh at everything these days and I love it. But nothing makes you laugh more than your daddy.

---You are rolling everywhere! I can't keep track of you. You always end up with chords somewhere or under a table.

---I can't believe how much you sleep. You always have to have 12 hours and usually take two 2  hour naps during the day. Sometimes you will just take one 4-5 hour nap.

---You try so hard to crawl, but haven't quite got it down. But you started getting up on your hands and knees. I can't wait for you to take off!!

---You got your bottom two teeth within 2 weeks of each other! They are so cute and you love to just feel them and you look at me like "mom, what are these?".

---You had a really bad cold for 5 weeks! We had you sit in lots of showers and sleep with your humidifier and you finally were better!

---We bought you a sippy cup. Lately any time you see anyone eating, you whine until you have some too. So we got you a sippy cup and put a little water in it. And you LOVE it and act like you are so grown up that you have a sippy.

---I've started cutting up some of my food really small and i'll feed you when im eating. You do so good and can't get enough of it, especially green beans!

---Your first word was papa! For days it was all you would say... Now you have moved on to Dada. ALL day long. You have such a high pitched little voice, we love it. 

You are so beautiful, Braelin. The world is yours.

Love momma.

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