Friday, October 12, 2012

Keeping Perspective

Sometimes its hard to keep perspective when everything seems to be going perfectly and we have all our plans set for the future and all of a sudden all our plans disappear and then every little thing that can go wrong.. does. These are times where I am so grateful for Hunter because he is always here to remind me to enjoy now and not to dwell on what will or won't happen in the future and how it will all work out.... because one day I will miss how everything is now.


  1. I love your cute blog so much :) I miss you soo much! Things will get better :) I love you!

  2. Hi kids,
    I tap into Jaimee and the rest when I can to see how my nieces and nephews are doing, I just noticed your blog on Jaimees site,
    Great pictures, this is it!!!I don't face book or even text, but at least I can see how things are going every now and then
    I send my love
    Aunt Margo
