Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Conference Weekend

Conference weekend is something I always look forward to! I love spending time with family and friends and getting a new perspective and most importantly getting prayers answered. Last conference session we weren't able to see much of conference since we were running around to banks and different places to buy our truck and drive it home. So this year we were SO excited to be able to watch.

The past 2 years we have had to go to either of our parents houses to watch but this year we bought a little box for 30 dollars so we could have 10-20 channels so we were able to watch conference in our own home this year!!

We started off at 830 in the morning on Saturday and made a big breakfast with sausage, eggs, french toast, grape juice with just Hunter and I. It was delicious and enjoyed having the first two sessions of conference in the comfort of our own home.And we loved hearing that they changed the age for missionaries for boys from 19 to 18 and women from 21 to 19. I think they will get a lot of missionsaries and despite what some people think... they do still have the choice to serve or not. The church is just giving them the option to serve earlier if they want to.

All night and morning I had shredded beef taco's in the crock pot cooking for lunch and we invited all our family members and friends and no one could come... so we've had left overs the last weeks :)

 Then later that night we went and picked up Papa, (Hunter's great-grandpa) and we drove down to Hunter's parents and Hunter his dad and papa and a few other family members went to the priesthood session while I stayed back and hung out with his Mom and we just talked and watched tv :)

For the sunday session of conference we went to our neighbors Jordan and Holly (they live above us) and had a big breakfast and watched conference up there. After that we went to Hunter's parents and had a roast and played with our nieces and nephews and then watched the second half of conference.

We then went to my parents for dinner where we had... shredded beef tacos and taco soup for dinner! My parents were telling us how they added fish up at Bridal Veil falls so we decided to all take a drive up in the canyone and feed the fishies... I only saw a few fish jump but Hunter of course went through the water and on the side of the mountain and saw the thousand fish over there. But they didn't eat any of the food since I'm sure they have been way overfed the last few weeks. This was such a fun conference weekend and I already can't wait till April for more general conference!

I love living in Utah! It is so pretty all the time.. but especially during fall!
 Kyle and Kari always jumping in when we are trying to take a picture! haha :)

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