Wednesday, October 15, 2014

7 Months

Hey sweet girl!! 7 months old. Every month I can't believe how much closer you are to turning one. It still hits me once in awhile that you are actually my daughter. Those moments are spending friday nights watching bubble guppies, or getting into a bathtub full of toys, and finding your headbands in our bed. You are my everything baby girl.

---You started clapping and it is so cute!

--- You love to talk now. Mostly just whispers.

---You moan and whine everytime I get up to leave the room, and I love it.

---You LOVE the movie Rio. If I put it in you will stop whatever you are doing and stare at the TV.

---You will eat anything! You use to not like fruits, but now it doesn't matter what it is, you will eat it no matter what.

---We started giving you puffs, and I was really nervous thinking you would choke, but you do great and won't even try swallowing until you mash them up with your gums.

---You have such good balance and sit up so good! It is so cute, but you look too little to be doing that :(

---You are in size 3 diapers, and are in most 6 month clothes, but some 3 month stuff still.

The world is yours baby girl! WE love you soo much.

LOVE, momma.

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