Thursday, May 22, 2014

2 months

Two Month stats:

Weight: 11 pounds 7 ounces   Height: 22.1 inches  Head: 15.25cm


I can't believe you are two months old.. and you are getting so chubby.. mostly just your cheeks and big double chin :) We love your little chubs. You are the perfect baby, we still can't get over it. You smile like crazy whenever you see me and you always love to snuggle with daddy when he gets home from work and school. You have such a cute little personalty and we love watching it come out. We love you so much and I don't know what we would ever do with out you! I went back to work this month and I miss you like crazy all day and you are all I think about, but you do great with the babysitters!

---you are still such a good sleeper! You started sleeping through the night around 6 weeks old and you usually sleep from 9:30-6:30. and a couple nights a week you will sleep from 7:30-6:30. And you haven't woken up once in the middle of the night since you were 6 weeks old. Its really nice but sad at the same time, I miss that time together at night.

--- I wasn't ready to stop nursing, even though my milk supply was almost completely out. I would pump for 30 minutes on both sides and only get a total of .5 ounces. Then I heard if you tried fenugreek pills it would help increase milk supply so I tried it and amazingly it worked!! I started getting around 2 ounces and then we were almost completely back to 100% nursing.. and then I started work and its probably about 50/50. Which is still good. Hopefully when I get my prescription for an electric breast pump then we can be back up to 100% again.

--- You smile like CRAZY! and you definitely know your mommy and daddy. You are the happiest baby ever.

---Your hair is turning a lot more blonde. Im very excited about that :)

---You got your shots today! And you did great.. I'm pretty sure I cried more than you did.

---We packed up most of your newborn clothes and you are now in size 1 diapers!

We love you so much baby girl, the world is yours,

Love momma.

The difference: one month and two months!

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