Monday, January 28, 2013

A Very Merry Christmas

Christmas Day was amazing.... Everything before and after.... Not so much.

On December 20th we got a call from Hunter's mom saying that Grams (Hunter's Grandma ) cancer came back and it was spread everywhere; lungs, brain, blood, everything. We were devastated. She died on December 24th, 2012 at 4:30 ish in the morning. (POST coming soon with more details!)

On Christmas Eve Hunter and I opened our gifts to each other. I gave hunter a shop vac, which he was very excited about and Hunter gave me ALL 8 seasons of House! I was beyond excited :)


Then We went to Hunter's parents house and just talked and played with our nephew carter and watched 4 christmases. Then we went to Hailey and Austins and slept over and then got up at 7 in the morning and were at Hunter's parents at 8 and ate yummy breakfast casseroles and began opening presents. They spoiled us and gave all the kids a grill!! We are so excited to use it! We also got all the different scrapers and things for the grill and also some candy and some kitchen things for me and some stuff for hunters truck... and my personal favorite... a pregnancy test. haha :) I think the funniest moment was when Hunter's mom was opening her gift from hunter and I and it was a gift card to red robin and I wrapped it in a small box so it was really light. She shook the box and then looked at Hunter and I with tears in her eyes and said, "are you pregnant?"

 This is the face of a woman who thought she got duck decoys for Christmas :) Hunter's dad just used the duck decoy box to wrap the present in.

We have never laughed so hard in our lives. We have no idea why she thought it was but it was hilarious... and then right after I opened my present and it was a pregnancy test and that just made it even better :)

Then after that we went up to Papa's (Hunter's great grandpa) house and just visited for an hour and then headed up to my parents. When we got to my parents we ate a delicious turkey dinner and then all went down to open presents. Our main present was we got ALL of our home videos on DVD! We were all so excited that we have our own copies and that my mom and dad went through the trouble of getting them converted. We also got candy and a sleeping bag and a few other things.

Then we went back to Papa's house and spent some more time just visiting with family and then headed to Hunter's grandmas house. We just picked at a few casseroles and ham and then all sat down and Hunter's grandpa and grandma both talked for awhile and then we opened presents. All of the great grandkids got pajamas/clothes/games and all the married grandkids got a steamer pot (which works AMAZING!) and then their children got either vacuums or a car battery charger thing. :)

After staying at Hunter's grandparents for a few hours we went back up to my parents house to play games with the family. But right when we got there Brian and Makenzie had already left and Kari said she was going to leave. So I forced my parents and Kyle to play a few rounds of yahtzee and Mexican train with me and then we left to go home and organized all of our presents and then watched a few episodes of House :)

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