Thursday, March 20, 2014

One Month

My sweet baby Braelin,

I can't believe you are a month old already!! Time has flown by this month and its almost time for momma to go back to work. I think about leaving you everyday and just cry because I will miss you so much and I don't want to miss a thing.  You are such a perfect baby. You only cry when we change your diaper or when you are VERY hungry and sometimes just when you want your binky. We definitely lucked out with you sweet girl, you are just so perfect and I don't know what we ever did without you in our lives.
Her stats at her 2 week appointment: 

Weight: 7 pounds 8.5 ounces (97%) Height: 19.5 inches (97%) and Head: 35.

---You are such a good sleeper and I am so grateful! The first night when we brought you home from the hospital you slept for almost 7 hours straight! You still do this a couple times a week but usually you wake up at 330 and then at 6 or 7 to eat which isn't so bad :)

--your whimpers and pouty faces when you sleep are adorable. My favorite is when you laugh in your sleep with the biggest smile on your face. I have yet to catch it on camera though.

--You get so hot so easily just like your momma. Your hair and neck get sweaty and then your hair goes super curly, i love it. 

--You have almost completely stopped nursing, and it breaks my heart. I loved that sweet bonding time with you and you did so amazing for the first 3 weeks and then all of a sudden you just didn't want to anymore.. I'm guessing that my milk is running out.. but I still try to nurse you before giving you a bottle, but you only last a few minutes and then we both end up in tears. I haven't given up yet.

--For the first two weeks I would have to change at least 12 poopy diapers a day. But now its just one or two, thank goodness. Your poop face is hilarious.. it has guilt written all over it. 

Thank you for coming to our family sweet girl! We love you more than anything! 

The world is yours Braelin,

Love momma.

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